I’m a good person…right?

What kind of man are you? What’s the definition of manhood? These are tough (and often unexplored) questions! Men are usually raised with gender-specific ideas and expectations about masculinity. Many of these ideas tend to be rigid and stereotypical, regardless of our parents intentions. The idea that men should be stoic, self-reliant, and unaffected by emotions can lead to emotional suppression and difficulty in reaching out for support.

Men often face challenges in effectively communicating their feelings and emotions. This can result in difficulties expressing their needs, sharing their concerns with loved ones, and forming meaningful connections. Bottling up emotions can contribute to stress, anxiety, and other mental health issues. These challenges impact men universally regardless of race, ethnicity, religion, sexual orientation or zip code!

In my experience, men often internalize distress and ignore warning signs that their bodies are sending them. They are often quick to take the blame for problems, seeing themselves as flawed or incompetent. Let’s talk about what’s not wrong with you and find ways for you to move through problems without shame, avoidance or fear!